As our web site is coming to life I would like to start by welcoming your readership and eliciting your participation in our cause of Advocating for People with a Dementia and those around them. I would also like to publicly thank Barbara for her sterling efforts thus far.
It is our intention that this site will evolve to reflect our needs and express our experience as people with dementia coping with the world in general.
We hope that this site will be a resource to support and express our journey, and to be a resource that will benefit others.
Finally I ask your indulgence, even in writing this brief introduction subtleties of grammar elude me, and difficulties in expressing myself are frequent hindrances to the flow of this conversation. What you read may not be clear, but it represents the heartfelt truth of our members, and is meant with good intention. I ask your forgiveness in advance if we offend, for if we do so it is not out of intention but out of ignorance.
Again finally I would like to include by saying “we are on a journey, that for many of us will end to soon”.
Dennis – Chief DAG
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