Disabilty Celebration

Friday December 1st saw the Celebration of three years of the Dementia Friendly Kiama project as well as celebrating the International Day of People with Disability.

Dementia advocates lead disability celebrations

eading dementia advocates and campaigners Sue Pieters-Hawke and Kate Swaffer are
leading local celebrations of International Day of People with Disability (Sunday 3
In 1992, the United Nations proclaimed 3 December as the International Day of People with
The theme for 2017 is “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all”.
In Kiama Ms Pieters-Hawke and Ms Swaffer will be joined by Member for Kiama, Gareth
Ward MP, to celebrate the achievements of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project.
Since its inception the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project has quickly become recognised as a
global leader in developing dementia-friendly communities.
This includes numerous national and international awards for the work done by the project
coordinators, mostly volunteers.
The celebration of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project includes a discussion on the future
of the project.

About the speakers:

Sue Pieters-Hawke
Sue works as a speaker, writer, advocate, educator, and consultant. She is a National
Ambassador for Alzheimer’s Australia and co-chairs the Federal Dementia Forum. Her father
Bob is a former Prime Minister; her mother Hazel was a community worker, homemaker and
advocate. Sue is a strong friend of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project.
More information: suepitershawke.com.au

Kate Swaffer

Former nurse Kate Swaffer was diagnosed with younger onset dementia at just 49 years of
age. She has become an internationally recognised speaker and advocate for people with
dementia. She is chair, CEO and co-founder of Dementia Alliance International, a global
support and advocacy organisation for people living with dementia.
Kate was a key player in the establishment of the structure of the Dementia Friendly Kiama
Project (with people living with dementia at its heart) and has been a mentor for the Project
ever since. Kate is a great advocate for recognising and understanding the rights of people
living with dementia and what it means to become a dementia friendly community.
More information: kateswaffer.com

Gareth Ward
Gareth is the youngest-ever Councillor to serve on Shoalhaven City Council and also served
as Deputy Mayor. In 2011, Gareth became the first Liberal Member for the State Seat of
Kiama. In April 2015, Gareth was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and
South Coast and has subsequently been appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Education.
Gareth has also been a great supporter of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project and a strong
advocate for people with disability. We are thrilled that Gareth is able to join us in celebrating
the success of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project and the International Day of People with

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