Monthly Archives: July 2018


Dementia Awareness Presentation

On Friday 27th July 2018 the Kiama Dementia Friendly Community project hosted the first of what we hope will be many Dementia Awareness presentations, designed, developed and delivered by the Dementia Advisory Group. or DAGs. Below are the links to “studio” recordings of the four presentations. They are presented here as a refresher for those present and as a public resource in general.

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Posted in Kiama Project, Resources

Dementia Awareness Day

Dementia Friendly Kiama
Dementia Awareness Workshop

  • Our next Dementia Awareness workshop will be held on Friday 27th July 2018 at the Gerroa Fisherman’s Club, beginning at 10 am and going though to 1 pm.
  • Do you want to know more about dementia?

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Posted in Events, Kiama Project, News

Support Groups

Reprinted from the Conversation 09/07/2018

How support groups can boost your health and make chronic conditions easier to live with
File 20180702 116114 shfp48.jpg?ixlib=rb 1.1Peer support groups don’t cost much, and thousands of Australians find them useful.

Ben Harris, Victoria University and Wai-Kwan Chislett,

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Posted in News, Quite Interesting

Parliamentary Friends of Dementia

Recently I was asked to address the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Dementia. What follows is the main content of my address.

Before I begin, I ask your indulgence. If my words seem confused or I stumble, its my Semantic Frontotemporal Dementia re-editing the wiki that is my internal lexicon.

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Posted in Events, News, Our Stories

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