Science and Schooners

The following is a ‘practice’ run of a presentation (to be) given at the Uni Bar – The University of Wollongong on May 28th.

I was proud to be invited to do this presentation, but doubly so because my oldest son was able to attend.

My son and Me

My Son Sam and Myself at the Uni Bar

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Posted in Challenges, Events, Kiama Project, News

3 comments on “Science and Schooners
  1. Evelaine Berry says:

    Dennis I’m impressed! We are so fortunate to have you involved in education of this quality. Thank you and continue to deliver and be our friend. Evelaine ??⚡️?

  2. Julie Hayden says:

    That’s fabulous Dennis. Live long and prosper my friend x

  3. Kate Lewis says:

    I am currently doing an assignment on initiatives for reducing stigma for people living with dementia. I loved your presentation. I will be using some of it in my assignment and will cite your presentation. Thank you

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