Monthly Archives: June 2019

Dementia Forum Hobart 2019

The annual Australian Dementia Forum occurred in Hobart on Thursday 13th June and Friday 14th June, with several round table discussions and side events occurring on Wednesday 12th June.

The forum is an annual event held by  NHMRC NIDR which is an ‘economical’ way of saying ‘the Australian Government’s  National Health and Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Dementia Research.

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Posted in News, Resources

Venue Assessment Tool


This resource is designed to assess venues and business premises to help make them more dementia assessable. This work is based on the E.A.T (Environmental Assessment Tool) available from Dementia Training Australia

The resource is in two parts – an assessment guide providing background knowledge and ideas of how you may implement as successful assessment of a venue and a separate workbook you can use to carry out the assessment. 

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