Dementia Forum Hobart 2019

The annual Australian Dementia Forum occurred in Hobart on Thursday 13th June and Friday 14th June, with several round table discussions and side events occurring on Wednesday 12th June.

The forum is an annual event held by  NHMRC NIDR which is an ‘economical’ way of saying ‘the Australian Government’s  National Health and Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Dementia Research.

I was involved in the ‘Consumer’ Involvement Reference Group face to face meeting on the 12th, which was the first face to face meeting we have had in this incarnation of the group. Much was made clear which before was mud and as a group we are enthused and ready to get some serious work done. I had to duck out for 30 minutes or so as I was also involved in round-table “Collaborations and Priorities for Dementia Friendly Research (Chaired by Dr Lyn Phillipson). Then the first meeting of the ‘Step up For Dementia Research‘ public involvement panel, post its launch the preceding day.

Then the conference started!

This is a link to the presentation I gave on Wednesday around the redesign of the Environmental Assessment Tool – Making It Dementia Friendly, for use by people living with dementia, to assess common parts of our lived environment.

Dennis in Hobart

Just to prove I was in Hobart

Mt Wellington

The view of Mt Wellington – when the clouds parted!


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