Dementia Friendly Kiama
Dementia Awareness Workshop
- Our next Dementia Awareness workshop will be held on Friday 27th July 2018 at the Gerroa Fisherman’s Club, beginning at 10 am and going though to 1 pm.
- Do you want to know more about dementia?
Dementia Friendly Kiama
Dementia Awareness Workshop
Recently I was asked to address the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Dementia. What follows is the main content of my address.
Before I begin, I ask your indulgence. If my words seem confused or I stumble, its my Semantic Frontotemporal Dementia re-editing the wiki that is my internal lexicon.
This month we will investigate Jerrara Dam. Follow the Jamberoo road from Kiama and turn up Jerrara Road, Then take Mount Brandon Rd across Jerrara Creek.
We will meet around 11 am and in the event of bad weather adjourn to a nearby Café.
Our Next Get-Together
When: Wednesday at 10:30 for 11:00 Meeting
Where: Sentral Youth Services
Meet . Hindmarsh Park at 10:30 – We will collect a coffee and then meet in the Sentral Youth Services room for a formal planning meeting. When that finishes we will meet in the “Speak ‘n Easy” for lunch and an informal meeting.
Our April Picnic will be on Thursday 26th of April at Kanahooka Park at the end of Kanahooka Rd Dapto. To get there travel though Dapto via the “old Highway” and turn down Kanahooka Rd at Brownsville. The Park is about 100m from the end of the road and Lake.
Our Next Get-Together
When: Thursday 29th March at 10:30
Where: 7 Mile Beach Picnic Grounds
Meet . At the shelter/B.B.Q area of Beach Rd
Turn of Crooked River Road south of Gerroa – opposite Beach Road (that goes to Berry. Meet at the Shelters/Barbeque area just over the speed hump from 10:30 on.
We have rescheduled our first social gathering to Thursday the 11th January – 2018. This is to allow for a combination of medical appointments and to allow some of our members to recover from their travels.
The venue will be at Dennis’s place in Nowra, for those who need directions etc please call.
Friday December 1st saw the Celebration of three years of the Dementia Friendly Kiama project as well as celebrating the International Day of People with Disability.
Dementia advocates lead disability celebrations
eading dementia advocates and campaigners Sue Pieters-Hawke and Kate Swaffer are
leading local celebrations of International Day of People with Disability (Sunday 3
Join us in Celebrating Community Success by acknowledging:
International day of people with disability, and the success of our internationally awarded Dementia-friendly Kiama Project.
Its now three years since we first formally met and the broad community began to be involved in this project. In these brief three years we have seen some major changes globally and we have not only been part of these changes,
Join the DAGs in Celebrating our Community Success by joining us on the Kiama Coastal Walk.
When: On Saturday 2nd December at 9:45 am
Where: Kiama Station
The Plan: We will begin our trek from Kiama Station,
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