Lethe and Memories Lost
We all know of the Greek under-world Hades and the river Styx, but were you aware that the River Styx was one of five rivers of the underworld. They are or were
Lethe, the river of forgetfulness,
Lethe and Memories Lost
We all know of the Greek under-world Hades and the river Styx, but were you aware that the River Styx was one of five rivers of the underworld. They are or were
Lethe, the river of forgetfulness,
Part 1: Touch and Temperature
Around my time of diagnosis I became aware of some changes in my sense of touch and thermoception – my ability to sense heat. The first thing I noticed was when I dropped a prawn on a hot barbeque plate. I immediately reached out and attempted to pick it up.
What can you remember of your younger days? Can you remember much from when you were less than 10 or 5 years old? I can “remember” a couple of incidents from before I was 5, but what I remember involved me “seeing” what was happening to me from an observers point of view,
One of the main challenges a person with Dementia may face relates to how sensory information is interpreted by our unravelling brains. It has been long recognised by people with dementia that the way we experience the world though our senses changes (and continues to change) as our disease progresses.
This is the augmented version of my presentation at the 31st International Alzheimer’s Disease Conference in Budapest. It does vary slightly from by published notes because of time constraints. I have also added the music that failed to play in the PowerPoint presentation.
Live Long and Be A DAG
Yesterday I had my annual MRI scan and remarked to those present how this year not only did I detect the dulcet tones of Pink Floyd (Astronomie Dominie) but some of the works of Uriah Heap, another group of renown. I then had the opportunity to share this video produced (with much appreciation) by Elisa.
Recently I was invited to talk about aspects of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project – in particular the role of the DAGs on local radio.
This is a recording of that interview provided by the host.
After a few days in Budapest, with a choice of Hungarian (language) morning television or BBC News, or BBC Children’s Television I can safely say BBC Kids has more intellectual content than our domestic morning TV. On a more enlightening note Oz wine of the red white or even château cardboard variety is head and shoulders,
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