Demenia Awareness and Education

Our belief is that if we can raise the general populations awareness about our experiences living with Dementia it will increase peoples understanding and reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with dementia. Below are some versions of the awareness raising sessions we have delivered to the local community.

Check back to this page as it will (*hopefully) continue to be updated and enhanced.

For everyone touched by Dementia.

Take inspiration and everyday try to;
Be Bold
Be Brave
Be Courageous
Be True to Yourself
And remember,
It’s Not Your Fault!

*  I say hopefully because I have dementia and I may just not get around to it.

Becoming Dementia Aware

Becoming Dementia Aware
Steps Toward Becoming a Dementia Friend

(Short Notes to accompany our Full Dementia Awareness Presentations. A Paper copy can be downloaded by clicking here, and to request a full ‘half-day’ live presentation tailored to your needs please see the contact us section at the end.)

Dementia Friendly Kiama Logo



About Dementia

Following are links to video recordings of our Public Dementia Awareness presentations.

These presentations are from our lived experience and are not third party clinical overviews. To the best of our knowledge this lived experience perspective is unique in that these presentations are probably the first such that have been authored by,


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