Learning through experience
These are the stories of our members and friends as told by them. They our personal accounts of our journeys with Dementia. Blogging is recognised as a powerful tool to help people with dementia maintain their engagement with life and may help slow the rate of progression of the symptoms. These post may serve many purposes for each individual and their families and friends.
If you wish to share your story, please contact us (info@southerndag.com) and we can arrange to set you up with your own blog. If you wish to comment on someone’s story please do, but remember the person not the dementia.
Changes and Challenges
This is a flip book of Changes and Challenges.
It is best viewed full screen (click the [ ] icon bottom right hand corner).
Reframing The Rhetoric Around Dementia
Reframing The Rhetoric Around Dementia
The following is a link the a presentation prepared for the 2017 Dementia Australia Conference. Reframing The Rhetoric Around Dementia (2017)
The better use and more considered use of language around Dementia can help reduce many of the stigmas around dementia.
Parliamentary Friends of Dementia
Recently I was asked to address the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Dementia. What follows is the main content of my address.
Before I begin, I ask your indulgence. If my words seem confused or I stumble, its my Semantic Frontotemporal Dementia re-editing the wiki that is my internal lexicon.
Building A Dementia Friendly World, Kyoto 2017
The Building A Dementia Friendly World symposium was held last week, co-organised by Alzheimer’s Society and the WHO Kobe Centre as part of the ADI2017 conference in Kyoto. This was one of several pre-conference symposia and a chance to see a broad global representation of Dementia Friendly initiatives.
To Fight Or Not To Fight
We are constantly presented #1 with sensationalist representations of dementia. We are presented with words and phrases such as the following
- Battling Dementia #2
- A Dementia Tsunami #3
- Suffering with Dementia #4
The language being used to report on Dementia is the same sensational language used to report on war.
Artful: Art and Dementia at the Museum Of Contemporary Art
Recently I had the pleasure of undertaking the Artful program at the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art). This program has two aspects – a research component that is conducted by the Brain and Mind Centre,
Sydney Morning Herald – Kate Swaffer Interview
Author Kate Swaffer on living beyond dementia diagnosis
The following is a link to the Sydney Morning Herald article that appeared today –
Saturday November 26th 2016
Whats Happening To My Brain?
The following is a short video in which I am attempting to use artistic license to show an interpretation of the changes that are occurring in my brain. This short three minute video represents about 100 hours of single frame editing to achieve my animation.
Helping The Cause of People With Dementia
It has been suggested that some of my posts may not be helping our cause, the recognition of people with dementia as people, but I would suggest if our distractors spent more time listening to Jethro Tull or even Twisted Sister the world would be a better place.
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