Page 2 - Dementia Awareness
P. 2

Dementia                     Awareness

                                    (Notes to accompany our Dementia Friendly Workshop)

            Welcome and thank you for attending today. In this presentation we will not be speaking from the
            traditional clinical view of Dementia that has prevailed, but will be speaking from our lived experience.
            Dementia is not just about memory loss and preparing to die, it is about living and being helped to maintain
            our connections.

            At the end of this presentation we hope you will have a more positive attitude towards Dementia and be
            better able to take up the challenge of becoming a Dementia Friend.

            Today’s Program
            Today’s presentation will be in five parts;

                 An Overview of Dementia,
                 How Dementia impacts people and sensory changes,
                 Getting a Diagnosis, Risk factors and how things you can do to reduce your risk factors,
                 What you can do to help people living with Dementia and how to become a Dementia Friend. And
                 An open panel Q&A style discussion.

            What we are going to do.
            If you have questions or concerns we offer you several ways of asking them.

                 When we begin you may have question you wish to ask. If we can answer them we will or we may
                   address them throughout the presentation. (You may wish to write them below to ask them when
                   we start.)
                 We have included a short form (enclosed at the back of this pack) were you write your question and
                   have them answered anonymously by placing them in the box provided. We will take time at the end
                   to address these questions.
                 Corner us during a break and ask them then
                 At the end of the program we will have an open panel for questions and discussion.
            The material presented is available for online viewing on our website here

            To view this presentation online click here

                                           (Write your questions here – if required)

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            Become Dementia Aware                                            Become a Dementia Friend
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