Page 15 - Changes and Challenges
P. 15
Changes and Challenges
Temporal Lobe.
Functions Include: Some Symptoms of Impairment:
Memory Difficulty remembering names and faces.
Hearing Difficulty understanding spoken language.
Understanding Language Difficulty with identification of, and
Organization and verbalisation about objects.
Musical awareness Difficulty with concentration.
Short-term memory loss.
Impaired long-term memory.
Aggressive behaviour.
Changes in sexual interest.
Persistent talking.
Difficulty in locating objects in the
Inability to categorize objects.
Table 2: The Temporal Lobe: Functions and Some Symptoms
Parietal Lobe.
Functions Include: Some Symptoms of Impairment:
Touch Difficulties naming objects.
Differentiation (of size, Lack of awareness of body parts and
shape, colour etc) surrounding space.
Spatial perception Poor visual perception.
Visual perception Difficulty drawing.
Maths skills Difficulty performing math calculations.
Difficulty writing words.
Inability to attend to more than one object at
a time.
Inability to focus visual attention.
Problems with reading.
Poor hand-eye coordination.
Confusion of left-right orientation.
Table 3: The Parietal Lobe: Functions and Some Symptoms
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